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I believe the church is on the verge of some incredible kairos moments with God. May the Lord give us spiritual understanding to perceive the kairos season that is upon us.
There are two Greek words used for time: chronos and kairos.
Chronos time is ordinary time as we know it today. We could use the term tick-tock time to describe chronos time.
Kairos is heightened time, a significant time, a fulfilled time, time bursting forth with meaning, it is a moment, pregnant with possibilities, a unique moment in time, a predestined era, an opportune or seasonable time, fullness of time, a special time of harvest, pregnant time, a definite period or season.
Kairos could be described as a God-given moment of destiny not to be shied away from but seized with decisiveness; the floodtide of opportunity and demand in which the unseen waters of the future surge down to the present. Its the alignment of natural and supernatural forces creating an environment for an opening to occur; a time when heaven and earth align with one another in a spiritual sense; a time when heaven touches earth in a way that will never be forgotten.
Kairos is a particular moment, out of all the ordinary moments in time that has the capability to forever change the outcome of time itself. Kairos is the moment of decision, the moment of action, the moment of change. It can be a moment, or it can be an entire season of moments.
There have been many kairos moments and seasons throughout church history that have tremendously altered the course of time itself.
Examples of kairos moments:
The birth of Jesus Christ.
The death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ. (Rom. 5:6)
- The second coming of Christ will be a kairos moment. (Mark 13:33)
The day of Pentecost.
- Sauls conversion on the road to Damascus.
- Johns revelation of Jesus on the Isle of Patmos.
- When John Wycliffe translated the Bible from Latin to English.
- When America was founded by our Christian forefathers.
When Martin Luther nailed his 95-theses to the door of the Wittenberg church in Germany igniting the flame of the Protestant Reformation.
- When Israel became a nation.
- When you and I said, Yes, to Jesus on the day of our salvation.
Kairos moments must be seized. Those who are asleep, lazy, or dull of hearing will miss their kairos moments with God.
I believe the church is coming into a kairos season of harvest. Its been the norm to hear of evangelistic crusades drawing thousands of people, but God is going to drastically increase the numbers of those attending crusades and those being converted. Benny Hinn recently had over one million attend his evangelistic crusade in India. Its time for the church to wake up and get prepared for the increase.
The movie, The Passion of The Christ, is a film produced in a God ordained kairos time or season. This movie will be greatly used by God to radically transform lives both in the church and in the world.
God is getting ready to release kairos moments to the body of Christ during this kairos season of time.
Is it possible to miss a kairos moment? Absolutely. Im sure there are many Christians who have missed a kairos moment with God and are now wandering around in the desert paying a great price for their missed opportunity.
Luke 19:41-44 shows us how Jesus wept over Jerusalem because they missed their kairos time with God. They missed the day/time of their visitation.
I believe the Lord grieves over us in the same manner that He wept/grieved over Jerusalem, when we miss our kairos moments with Him.
Romans 13:11 And do this, knowing the time (kairos), that now it is high time to awake out of sleep; for now our salvation is nearer than when we first believed.
If the body of Christ does not wake up and perceive the time, she will miss her kairos moment/season with God.
In chronos time, there is time to make decisions and God will usually wait for us to be obedient, but in kairos time, a kairos moment says, Now is the time! If the time/moment is missed, there is no getting it back.
Dear friend, do you know what time is it in your life? Are you discerning the times? Is the Lord trying to break into your life and bring about something new? I pray that you will have ears to hear, eyes to see and a heart to receive your kairos moments with God. Dont allow the enemy to distract or deceive you from what God has for you. Your eternal destiny is more important.
Copyright 2004 by Donna Kazenske